Here's a few pictures of Venezia, Italia from yesterday.
Here's our Water Taxi over to the island. Good thing it's covered...I might have fallen out. ;-)
Here's the boat landing we docked at near the Accademia. Our hotel was about a 10 minute hike up the side canal.
After we got to the hotel, we went exploring. Here's a shot of Terrie just outside our Hotel (Pensione Accademia) looking down the side canal towards the above boat landing (can't see it in the below picture).
A picture of a potentially risky venture...
"Big D" on the Accademia bridge over the Grande Canal.
A night time shot of the Grande Canal from the Accademia bridge. I had to use some serious shutter time for that to turn out...and brace the camera so it remained very still for the whole time the shutter was open (about 10 seconds).
Anyways...we're off to Murano (island of glass factories) to look at glass!
Ciao for now!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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